1.1 The purpose of this officer report is for Council to consider:
a) The background of the St Kilda Live Music Precinct (SKLMP) and the findings and recommendations of the SKLMP Planning Study project.
b) Proposed Amendment C220port to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme to implement the findings of the SKLMP Planning Study project.
c) Whether to adopt the SKLMP Planning Study (stages 1 and 2) and seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit Amendment C220port to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.
MOVED Crs Bond/Sirakoff
That Council:
3.1 Notes the officer report and Attachments 1, 2, and 3 in relation to the St Kilda Live Music Precinct Planning Study project and proposed Amendment C220port to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme (Amendment).
3.2 Adopts the St Kilda Precinct Planning Study (Hodyl & Co, Echelon Planning and Enfield Acoustics, July 2023) and the Stage 2: detailed investigations & recommendations (Hansen Partnership, April 2024) at Attachments 1 and 2, respectively, as the basis for the Amendment.
3.3 As the planning authority, apply to the Minister for Planning (Minister) under section 8A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Act), for authorisation to prepare the Amendment (Option A).
3.4 If authorisation to prepare the Amendment is received under section 8A of the Act, or if the Minister has not notified Council of their decision within 10 business days after receiving the application:
a) As the planning authority, prepare the Amendment in accordance with section 8A(2) or section 8A(7) of the Act as relevant.
b) Authorise officers to make changes to the draft Amendment documentation at Attachment 3 as required prior to exhibition of the Amendment to correct any administrative errors and to meet any conditions the Minister imposes through authorisation.
c) Endorse, for the purpose of exhibition, the draft Amendment documentation at Attachment 3, subject to any changes required under 3.4 (b) above.
d) Exhibit the Amendment in accordance with sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act.
A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.