The Elwood Foreshore is an important and valued place in our City. City of Port Phillip is looking to the futureproof this asset for locals and visitors alike.

Image: Elwood Foreshore

The opportunity 

The Elwood Foreshore is an important and valued place in our City. Locals and visitors enjoy it all year round, and it is home to 12 clubs and associations, a restaurant, wellness centre, cafe and a kindergarten. Elwood's identity is closely tied to the foreshore.

Redevelopment of the Elwood Foreshore will be driven by a masterplan approach. This means that Council considers the needs of the whole area, rather than looking at each building or structure on its own. This way the upgrades will ensure that the foreshore remains a high-quality public and natural place. Elwood Foreshore should meet contemporary expectations, standards and needs of the whole community.

Why we’re advocating

Over the years, the buildings and infrastructure on the Elwood Foreshore and Elwood Park have been developed to support a variety of activities enjoyed by locals, sports clubs, and visitors alike.

These facilities are cherished by the community, but many now require significant renovations due to their age, deteriorating condition, compliance and accessibility challenges, and increased vulnerability to climate change risks.

What we're advocating for

The Elwood Foreshore Masterplan is anticipated to cost $50 million over 10 years.

It is estimated that the total cost of the work needed to address all the building and infrastructure issues is over $10 million. Given the size of the investment required, it is important to plan so that the outcomes are aligned to the Council Plan and we deliver best value for the community now and for the future.

This approach will help address the key opportunities of the site. It will make sure that all buildings and structures work well together. This will make the experience of visiting Elwood foreshore even better.

Council will ensure that all work done:

  • protects the character, identity and amenity of the place
  • respects nature and the site’s past
  • reflects local priorities, future needs, and Council and state government policy and strategy.

The Masterplan focuses on projects that will deliver practical and real results.

The project will be planned and delivered over several years, in several stages. Currently the project is in Stage One with a draft concept plan currently in development. This will be costed, reviewed by Council, and inform a discussion with the community.