Childcare and kindergarten

Find out what you need to know about childcare and kindergarten, immunisation, fees and subsidies and how to find a place for your child.

Within the City of Port Phillip there are Council-managed, community-managed, not-for-profit, and privately managed childcare and kindergarten centres.

These include:

  • childcare centres with kindergarten programs (integrated kindergarten)
  • stand-alone sessional kindergartens
  • family and children's centres which also offer other services such as Maternal and Child Health.

For Council-managed and participating community-managed childcare and kindergarten centres, Council manages a Children's Services Integrated Registration and Enrolment scheme (known as the CSIRE). CSIRE registration is free.

For detailed information, follow the links below or contact the Children's Services Waitlist Registration Officer:
Phone - 9209 6360
Email - 

Childcare with integrated kindergarten

Childcare centres provide childcare for children from birth to school age (actual starting age can differ). They also offer integrated kindergarten programs for three-year-olds and four-year-olds. This means children could attend the same centre from birth until they go to school.

Integrated kindergarten is subsidised by the Victorian Department of Education under their Free Kinder scheme. It is delivered during a set part of the day, within the childcare setting, by a fully qualified Kindergarten Teacher.  

The hours either side of integrated kindergarten sessions are not covered by the Free Kinder program so there is a cost for your child to attend for a full day. If eligible, families can access the Child Care Subsidy to help with that cost.

All local Council-managed and community-managed childcare centres with integrated kindergarten are listed below.

Select a Victorian Government endorsed kindergarten with the Kinder Tick.

Council-managed centres


Further information

For more information on any of the above, contact the Children’s Services Waitlist Registration Officer.
Phone: 03 9209 6360