Sports clubs training and education

Here you will find the latest training opportunities, fact sheets and other information.

The City of Port Phillip is committed to ensuring our sport and recreation clubs using council-managed assets, along with clubs using Albert Park Reserve, continue to grow and be sustainable into the future.

We want to see our clubs being administered by a diverse group of skilled and passionate members, however we also understand that clubs are not-for-profit groups and committee members dedicate a large amount of their own free time to ensure their club operates smoothly.

One way we aim to help our clubs is by providing training and development opportunities to club members.

The key objectives of our sports development program are:

  • building participation in sport across all sectors of the community
  • enabling sporting clubs to reach higher levels of sustainability and effectiveness
  • providing effective management, support and resources for Sports Development.

The Sport and Recreation team focus on two key areas in sports development:

  • information sharing
  • training and education.

Sports directory

In Port Phillip sport is played at international, national, state and suburban levels across more than 100 different sports fields, courts and greens, and over 120 sporting clubs (PDF 368 KB).

Club resources